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One-year sports dentistry course gets MUHS approval Sarfaraz Ahmed @timesgroup.com Nagpur: Ahead of National Sports Day on August 29, the Government Dental College and Hospital (GDCH) has in- troduced a new fellowship co- urse in sports dentistry, which has been approved by the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS). Sport dentistry is a branch of dental speciality that deals with prevention, diagnosis, management, edu- cation and research of sport- related orofacial injuries. It incorporates activities not only for adult but also for toddlers, children and even senior citizens. TOTAL HEALTH "Along with systemic and psychological health, oral he- alth also plays a vital role in development of individuals. A good oral cavity is the gate- way for total health," said Dr Ritesh Kalaskar, head, de partment of paediatric and preventive dentistry, which will run the fellowship for BDS and MDS students. Dean Dr Abhay Datarkar said the provision of new spa- ce in the annexe building of GDCH has been made for this super-speciality fellowship course to developexpertise in NEW FIELD > Sport dentistry deals with prevention, diagnosis, and management of sport-related orofacial injuries > 32% of sport related injuries involved oro-facial region 721 children with sports- related injuries reported to the department in five years ➤MUHS has sanctioned two seats for the one-year fellowship in sports dentistry sports dentistry. "This course will likely play a crucial role in educating dental professio- nals about the importance of protecting athletes' oral he alth, especially those with malocclusion or other risk factors," he said. The MUHS has sanctio- ned two seats for the one-year fellowship in sports dentist ry: "According to a report, 50 lakh teeth are getting knock- ed out every year. It has also documented that more than 32% of sport related injuries involved oro-facial region," said Dr Kalaskar A study conducted by the department shows that child- ren between 8-12 years are most commonly affected by sports-related trauma. "Over a span of five years, a total of 721 children with sports-rela- ted injuries reported to the department. This suggests that sports-related injuries are not uncommon among children," Dr Kalaskar said. According to the study falls during sports activities (57%) were identified as the leading cause of orofacial in- juries. A total of 1,203 teeth were knocked out due to sports injuries. Of these, 76% were maxillary teeth. "Ma- locclusion, particularly pro- clined or misaligned teeth and in-competent lips seems to be a major risk factor for sports-related dental injuri- es," he said. The most common type of dental injury was an uncomp- licated fracture of the crown of the tooth, accounting for 34% of the cases. Complica- ted crown fractures made up 24.5% of the injuries. Injuries to the tongue, palate, lips, and cheeks due to lacerations we- re also noted. "Apart from protective equipment or device, identifi- cation of risk factors is of pri- me importance to prevent sport related orofacial injuri- es, because risk factors such as procclined teeth, prognat- hic jaw increase the severity of trauma." he said.